Birth Classes
We offer several different childbirth class options In the Phoenix Metro Area, so each family can find the ideal class for them. With our expert insights into all things birth, we will help you, to navigate your birth options and choices. Together we can help you to achieve the best possible outcome.

In-Person Childbirth Classes

In-Person Childbirth Classes
Dare to Birth 4-week Series:
Class Description
Class locations:
- Scottsdale
- Tempe
- Mesa
- Phoenix and Ahwatukee
The 4-week class is 10 hours of instruction. The investment is only $350 and includes all materials.
The 1-day class has 5.5 hours of instruction with a 30-minute lunch break. The investment is $250 and includes all matreials.
Private classes are available for an hourly fee.
Virtual Childbirth Classes
Our virtual childbirth classes are live, group classes over Zoom.
Your instructor Ursula will guide you on an interactive fun class. Learn from your classmates and with Ursula as you explore everything you need from the comfort of your own home. Pick the class that is best for you below.
Virtual Childbirth Classes
New Parents 6 Week Series (Sundays):
Class Description
The classes occur WEEKLY with the last class being a placeholder for a make-up date if needed. Please note that classes are limited in size for individual attention.
You will have 12 hours of instruction and 2 guest speakers.
- How to coach the pregnant partner through birth: breathing, massage, comfort measures.
- Birth plans.
- Anatomy & physiology of birth
- The stages of labor, signs of labor, and when to call your provider.
- Variations in labor: planning for the unexpected.
- The pros and cons of medical intervention.
- The 3 types of cesareans
- The first 2 weeks postpartum: bonding, newborn needs, infant tests, and infant care.
- Over 4 hours of hands-on relaxation & coping skills.
- A Board Certified Lactation Consultant teaches Breastfeeding 101.
- A perinatal Psychologist discusses reducing your risk in recovery, what to expect, and parenter communication.
- Weekly practice as a couple in relaxation and visualization
- In addition, 2 hours of comfort techniques and labor rehearsals are part of the course.
- And much more.
These classes fill fast due to the limited size. Register today!
January 12, 2025- March 1, 2025, (off 1/19/25 & 2/23/25) from 7-9 pm EST or 4-6 pm GMT on Zoom
March 9, 2025- April 13, 2025, from 7-9 pm EST or 4-6 pm GMT on Zoom
June 1, 2025 – July 13, 2025, from 7-9 pm EST or 4-6 pm GMT on Zoom
July 27, 2025- September 7, 2025, (off for Labor Day) from 7-9 pm EDT or 4-6 pm GMT on Zoom
Investment is only $500 and includes all materials and guest speakers when available. Receipts for insurance or flex spending will be provided.
Private classes are available for an hourly fee.
Birthing Again ™ Refresher Class:
Class Description
This is a one-day LIVE Zoom class. Perfect for a refresher after a vaginal birth or a cesarean. Done from the comfort of your own home.
- Creating a safe environment for birth
- Stages of labor specific for the second or VBAC time
- Labor birth
- Emergency childbirth
- Labor rehearsal
- Postpartum recovery
- Sibling tips
- Comfort techniques and a labor rehearsal
These classes fill fast due to the limited size. Register today!
February 15, 2025: from 10-1 GMT on Zoom
May 24, 2025: from 10-1 GMT on Zoom
August 2, 2025, 2024: from 10-1 GMT on Zoom
Investment is only $150 and include all materials. Receipts for insurance or flex spending will be provided.
Private classes are available with an additional fee.
More Information About Our Childbirth Classes:
Why Take Childbirth Classes?
Parents have been birthing babies for thousands of years. In the past, parents lived in communities surrounded by family and friends. This community offered love, companionship, support, and education. In today’s world, families live relatively detached lives and perhaps even live distant from family and friends. Because of this, childbirth classes are now a necessity for parents and their partners. Childbirth classes are a gateway to a community of support and knowledge that parents need. BYD childbirth classes help you understand the birth process and make educated choices about what type of birth experience you desire. Today, the majority of parents birth in hospitals. However, birth centers and home births are attracting more and more healthy and low-risk parents. Water births, VBACs, and alternative birth experiences are desired by some. Our childbirth classes also help the birth team to navigate conversations with your provider once you know what you desire in your birth. Our goal is to help you have the birth that YOU desire.
How Childbirth Classes Prepare You for the Birth You Desire.
Birth You Desire childbirth classes:
- Educate you on how to make healthy and low risk choices in pregnancy, labor and beyond.
- Replace fear with knowledge and thus instilling confidence, by teaching comfort measures that will allow you to trust your body and relax in labor.
- Support the coach in their role as an advocate so that they can more fully supporting you physically, psychologically and emotionally
- Teach you and your partners how to make educated choices for procedures, understand variations in labor and how to be flexible in unexpected circumstances.
- Demonstrate a variety of proven relaxation techniques, exercises for stamina, and labor rehearsals, and providing you the opportunity to practice them yourself.
- Teach real life skills for maternal comfort in labor.
Birthing Again ™ Classes for Repeat Parents.
This is a one-day interactive refresher class customized for expecting parents who have already participated in childbirth class(es) in the past. In this class you will:
- Explore the mind-body connection as related to birth
- Address fears and concerns surrounding birth
- Review the stages of labor specifically for second time parents
- Learn how pushing can be very different for this experience
- Review emergency childbirth techniques
- Dust off your previous pain coping techniques and learn some new ones
- Practice positions that promote comfort and labor progression
- Take home tips on preparing big brother or sister for this special day
What Our Clients Are Saying: