My birth story has elements of dreaminess and mysticism because that’s how I experienced it.\u00a0 I used notes from the doula and phone call\/text records to figure out the timelines because after a certain point my mind was very much in the here-and-now and not looking at the clock.<\/div>\n
I woke up around 4 am on Friday, October 8 with some cramps that felt like period cramps.\u00a0 These had been happening off and on for many days before so I didn’t think much of it.\u00a0 But this time I couldn’t fall asleep through them.\u00a0 I had read somewhere that one way to tell the difference between false labor and true labor was that changes in position could make the cramps stop.\u00a0 So to test it out, I decided to go to the gym.\u00a0 On the exercise bike, I felt a cramp– this was definitely not going away.\u00a0 I finished the workout at the lowest level of intensity possible and texted our doula Julia<\/a>.<\/div>\n