Bengkung Belly Binding

What is Bengkung Belly Binding?
Belly binding is the art of wrapping a postpartum belly to provide physical support for the uterus and organs after childbirth, to help to speed the healing and recovery in a time of vulnerability. The binding helps your body to return to a pre-pregnant state. More importantly, it’s about honoring the transition to parent and self-care. Postpartum belly binding is a tradition of caretaking and healing that creates the feeling of being surrounded, supported, and loved.
This practice is done using a long strip of cloth that is specially wrapped around the abdomen from the hips up to below the breast line. The Bengkung style of belly binding shown on this page is rooted in Malaysian culture. Also, various other countries and cultures worldwide use their own form of belly binding for thousands of years to support the healing process.
What are the benefits of Belly Binding?
- Helps to slim the abdomen, hips, and rib cage.
- Pulls the separated abdominal muscles (diastasis recti) back together.
- Encourages healing from pelvic separation.
- Pressure on the abdomen reduces water retention, fat, and air in the tissue and cells
- Decreases postpartum bleeding time by speeding up the process of getting rid of waste blood.
- Supports relaxed, stretched out, and sore muscles.
- Gets rid of the “empty” feeling after childbirth. It is not uncommon to often feel as though everything is floating around loose inside after childbirth. This gentle yet firm support aids the body in returning to its pre-pregnancy position.
- Prevents and relieves lower back aches, often caused by slouching while nursing your baby.
- Supports the body’s spine and posture realignment after birth.
- It feels good! Belly-binding can help you feel more safe and secure, both physically and emotionally.
How long should I wear the binding?
Traditionally, the Bengkung Belly Bind is done for the entire postpartum period, which is 40 days. This is not practical for many due to modern-day living and demands.
Our clients have found that binding for 6-12 hours daily over 2 weeks is highly effective. As your abdomen shrinks the binding will shift and allow you to focus on specific areas.
What makes belly binding different from western binders?
The Bengkung Belly Bind is a CUSTOM FIT specifically for you and your body. It is a long wrap that covers from under the breast line all the way down to below the hips. This way, it doesn’t just work on the waist, but also helps the rib cage and shrink the hips go back to their former dimensions. It also stays put when you move, so it doesn’t press on the abdomen.
Girdles or over-the-counter wraps, that only bind the abdomen, amy push down on the pelvic floor muscles and organs, which could potentially cause or worsen pelvic, uterine, or bladder prolapse if used in correctly. The custom fit cannot be found anywhere else, and this improves the results you will see.
The traditional belly bind is a custom fit for your body every time it is applied. It’s made of soft materials, which many people find more comfortable.
Can I still belly bind if I have a c-section?
How do I go to the bathroom while wearing the belly bind?
The most effective belly bind stretches from just below your bust to about mid-hip, near your pelvic bone. It is still easy enough to pull your underwear out from under the bind the first time you use the bathroom and when you’re finished, simply pull them up over the bind or tuck them back underneath.
Some prefer to wear a loose-fitting skirt or yoga pants on top.
What is the fee?
WDC metro clients (DC, MD, NoVA):
The fee is $185 for one Belly binding wrap, 90 minutes of binding instruction in person, and a 45-minute follow-up via web conferencing. A $50 deposit due at signing.
As a female soldier in the military who then became a single mother, I was directed to Vee for her belly binding. She educated me on preventive care of how it pushes back my ligaments and muscles that were stretched while I carried my son for 9 months. She bound me and then taught me how to do it myself. Belly Binding was wonderful to close the gap so diastasis recti and flatten my tummy over time. I wore it for 40 days and it worked. I even slept in it. I still wear it monthly to help with period cramps and it helps. I’m glad Vee introduced me to this ancient but very helpful practice.
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