Jackie and Andy’s Labor and Birth Story

Jackie and Andy’s Labor and Birth Story

I started with pre-labor at about 4 am on Friday. My contractions were actually fairly regular, but not very strong, 1 minute long, every 5-6 minutes.  This lasted until about 7, at which time they were slowing down to every 7-15 minutes.  I decided to go to work (I walk to work, so I thought it would be good!) and take care of a few things since active labor might happen soon!  The fairly weak contractions continued their sporadic 7-15 minute time course, also varying in duration.  I bounced on my ball at work for a couple of hours, then decided to work from home for the rest of the day (my boss is pretty chill and I was one of two people actually at work anyway!). 

What are Your Birthing Options?

What are Your Birthing Options?

Whether you are giving birth for the first time or the fourth, it’s a good idea to consider all your options and decide on a birthing situation that will benefit you the best. For some women, this means a hospital birth. You have immediate access to experts and equipment in a hospital, even if it isn’t the prettiest surroundings. Other women prefer to be in the comfort of their homes. This article gives you a brief overview of birthing options to discuss further with your midwife.    

Enhancing Your Self-Esteem During Pregnancy

Enhancing Your Self-Esteem During Pregnancy

Struggling with low self-esteem during pregnancy is not as uncommon as you may think. Many people seem to believe that you should be on top of the world when you’re expecting. The reality is that is not always the case. Everyone seems to know about post-natal depression, but your mood can also be affected a lot when you’re pregnant too. You will have high days and low days, so much so that you may feel on the edge of tears and have no understanding as to why. Your body is going through a huge change.