BYD Blog
2016 Rally to Improve Birth- Washington DC

Rally to Improve Birth. Specifically VBAC access this MONDAY, Labor Day.
Erica, a Birth You Desire VBAC mom, is passionate about VBACs and is in charge of organizing this event. Are you passionate about maternal health and women’s rights? Will you come and join us?
Did you know?
Once a woman has had a Cesarean, she will have a difficulty finding a care provider and hospital to support her in a vaginal birth.
In fact, vaginal birth after cesarean is not allowed in over 40% of American hospitals.
Major health organizations like the National Institutes of Health and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists use words like “safe,” “reasonable,” and “appropriate” to describe vaginal birth after cesarean for most women. The American Academy of Family Physicians states that every eligible woman should be offered a VBAC.
Of women who do attempt a VBAC, three out of four will give birth vaginally, while the other one out of four will have a repeat surgery.
Despite these facts, the prevailing public opinion is that VBAC is excessively dangerous.
That’s why the 2016 Rally to Improve Birth will focus on VBAC Access!
Thousands of men, women and children will gather again in the days surrounding Labor Day, (check the map for location and time near you), as part of an international movement. Improving Birth’s “Rally to Improve Birth” will host its 5th annual rally, held simultaneously in locations all across the U.S., and in Canada, Mexico, and Australia.
This movement isn’t about natural birth vs. medicated birth. It’s not about hospital birth vs. homebirth or birth center birth.
It’s about women being capable of making safer, more informed decisions about their care and that of their babies, when they are given full and accurate information about their care options, including the potential harms, benefits, and alternatives. It’s about respect for women and their decisions in childbirth, including how, where, and with whom they give birth; and the right to be treated with dignity and compassion.
For more information about what Evidence-Based Maternity Care is, please click here.
Come Stand with Us on MONDAY!
We encourage men, women, and children to come stand in support of evidence-based maternity care and the right of women to make their own informed decisions about how to give birth.
Facebook Event Page
Read Erica’s VBAc story here.
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