How Ashley Came to Doula Work

It’s the most common question asked by everyone I meet. Whether it’s the people I support, talking to new friends, at a holiday party, on a date. Everyone asks me: “What brought you to doula work?” Over the years I’ve listened to myself...
Bedrest Challenges and Successes

Bedrest Challenges and Successes

Just as every pregnancy is different, every woman’s experience with bed rest is different. Some women may know early on that because of their medical histories, they will have to go on bed rest at some point in their pregnancies. Others might be surprised to hear their doctors announce, after a routine appointment, that they’ll be on bed rest for a few weeks. No matter what your story, pregnancy bed rest can take a big toll on you, physically and mentally. You can quickly lose strength, stamina and flexibility, which will leave you feeling lethargic and unable to perform daily tasks.

Building a Birth Mantra

Building a Birth Mantra

Writing, speaking, and believing in a personalized affirmation is a great way to facilitate change and foster a positive outcome.  Affirmations are a valuable coping skill, which can be used in throughout gestation to transform your pregnancy and birth