Belly Wraps for Postpartum Healing
Belly wraps or abdominal binders make a huge difference in your recovery! This may be the first time you have heard about them, but they are not a new tool, rather a reinvention of an old tool.
by Ursula Sabia Sukinik | Feb 16, 2020 | Birth You Desire Blog
Belly wraps or abdominal binders make a huge difference in your recovery! This may be the first time you have heard about them, but they are not a new tool, rather a reinvention of an old tool.
by Ursula Sabia Sukinik | Feb 6, 2020 | Birth You Desire Blog
Vanishing Twin Syndrome is a term for early loss in a twin pregnancy- where one twin is miscarried but the other continues to live and grow and thrive. It’s a strange dichotomy where both life and death coexist simultaneously in the same uterus. It is reported in 20-30% of the time in multifetal pregnancies (twins, triplets, etc.).