Swing amongst plants with the words Self Love on the wall behind it

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

Promises you Need To Make To Yourself In 2022

2021 has been another strange year for the world. With the pandemic still looming large in our lives, and many of us experiencing a lot of upheavals when it comes to our family and finances, it’s perfectly understandable if you’ve let things slip when it comes to your own self-care. But as 2022 approaches, make the resolution to start putting yourself first. 

Learn what self-care means to you

There are articles about self-care everywhere. And if they’re to be believed, it’s all about getting a manicure and a facial. It’s true, that self-care is important, but it encompasses so much more than this. As well as taking the time to give yourself a little pampering, self-care is a chance to reset your body and your mind. Self-care can involve indulging in a hobby, and working on your mental health as well as your physical health too. 

Get out of the habit of thinking that looking after yourself is a ‘treat’ or something you have to earn by taking care of everything and everyone else in your life. Self-care should be a regular part of your life. 

Get on top of your issues

If you are experiencing issues with your mental health or have developed substance abuse due to the additional stresses of this past year, you need to address these with a professional. Facilities such as https://www.sunshinebehavioralhealth.com/texas/amarillo/ can be an option or your doctor can refer you to a specialist. 

Learn to say no

Most people are, by nature, people pleasers. We say yes to everything, no matter how much extra stress it puts on us. Learn to recognize when saying yes isn’t in your best interests and say no instead. It’s a very freeing experience and you’ll be reaping the benefits immediately. 

Take control of your career

We spend a lot of time at work, so why should we be doing something we don’t love. You owe it to yourself to find a role that works for you. This might mean going for a promotion at work, finding a new job, or changing careers entirely. 

If you do nothing else this year, decide what you want to do and make a start. If you want to change careers, you probably can’t do this overnight, but you can start acquiring the skills you need to eventually make the move. 

Do what you love

If you didn’t have to go out to work or do laundry, what would you be doing right now? Work out what is important to you and try to incorporate more of it into your life. This could be spending more time with your kids or taking up a hobby. After all, life is about balance and if you’re not spending the time doing the things you love, you’re soon going to feel burned out and resentful. 


Get over the feeling that looking after yourself is somehow selfish or self-indulgent. It isn’t, it’s vital. If you want to be a good friend, mother, sister, wife, employee, etc, then you need to look after yourself and be happy in your own skin. 


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