Newborn on white blanket with an orange blanket draped over their chest.

Photo by kelvin  agustinus

Congratulations on your pregnancy or newborn!  As you begin to prepare for this exciting journey one of the most important things you will need to prepare is that baby registry and to-do list. Crafting a well-curated registry it helps you to prepare for your baby’s arrival but it also helps your friends and family to decide what types of gifts you should be getting for this momentous occasion.

To help you navigate the entire process of creating the ultimate baby registry, here are some tips that you should follow.

Start Early

You need to make sure that you are creating your baby registry well before your due date arrives. This will give you plenty of time to talk to friends and family about hand-me downs and look at all the products you then want and then compare the various options that are available.

The most important thing is that you are making informed decisions about what items you need for your little bundle of joy. Start with the basics that you will need first and then work your way up to the things that you just want.

Conduct Research

Look at the baby products that you want and find the different brands that are available. Take the time to do your product research and read reviews from parents. Read the reviews and also pay attention to what’s items are frequently returned.

Compare the options that are available to you this way you can make informed decisions about what you want to put in your baby registry. By taking the time to do this you’ll reduce the chance of returning the products, being disappointed in the products, and brand names that you select.

Look at What You Need

The next thing you’re going to do is to look at what you need. Your lifestyle is very important in deciding what you’re going to need for your baby. You should also look at your living space and your budget as well. This is the best way to make sure you are creating a registry that is filled with things that you truly need for more than a short period of time.  For example, most babies only wear 0-3 month clothes for a few weeks as they grown quickly.

The essentials that you’re going to need are diapers, feeding supplies, car seat, clothing, and nursery furniture but don’t restrict yourself to these. You should also look at all the things that you’re going to need to make being a new parent a lot easier. Chances are you’re going to need a baby book, baby carrier, and a diaper bag. Use this list of The 45 Best Newborn Gifts For Expecting Parents, to help you make the right choices for your registry.

Think of the Long Haul

You need to think in terms of the long haul. You’re going to have to choose items that are going to grow as your baby grows, adapts and changes. You don’t want to be digging into your own pocket trying to come up with these items so having a baby registry is the best time and chance to get exactly what you want.

See if you can find convertible cribs and high chairs that naturally transition to toddler chairs. Also, consider buying strollers that will be able to accommodate your child at multiple stages of their development.

When you place all of these things in your registry you are securing the future, and making sure that you can keep money in your pocket down the line.

Consider Safety

You need to consider the safety of your baby when you are selecting baby products for your registry. You always need to make sure that you’re choosing items that will align with safety standards for infants. Check to make sure that all items are reliable and very durable.

Look into product recalls and find out if there are any known safety issues with the products that you are choosing. You want to make sure that at all times you choose amazing and durable products but you also want to make sure that your baby is safe, so this is very important.

Vary Your Price Points

You must see to it that you are choosing items with a variety of price points. Go from the very cheap to the very expensive. This is one time when being all over the place with your pricing is okay. You want to make sure that everybody  who wants to get you something can. Register for big items and some frivolous ones as well. Have fun with your registry. Make sure that you stick with the essentials at the same time.

Think about Your Lifestyle

Your lifestyle should also be at the top of your mind when you are thinking about your registry. If you enjoy going outside you need to think about all the things you’re going to need to take care of the baby when they are outside with you. You will need a sturdy jogging stroller and baby carrier, in a case like this.

If you like to travel and go all over the place you need to look for things that are more lightweight and compact. This means you can request a lightweight crib that you can carry with you.

Consider adding Some Services

It’s important that you get some services as well as physical gifts. You’re going to need all the support you can get once you are thrown full force into newborn parenting.

It can all be overwhelming so consider putting into your registry the need for a meal delivery service, postpartum doula, lactation consultants, house cleaning vouchers so you can keep the place clean and even a postpartum doula may be something you want to consider. You can get a lot of extra support and guidance this way.

You might not think you need all these things now but once you’ve had the baby and you find out how hectic it is, you’re going to be glad that you asked for these things.

Update the Registry Regularly

Make sure that you are updating the registry regularly. As things get donated or purchased you can remove them and place other items in their place. It’s a time when you should not hesitate for items that you will need.

You’re going to be happy that you did when you see all the supplies you have because they will be needed. Also, when you are updating the registry regularly there is going to be a wide variety of gifts that you can choose from throughout your pregnancy and this will make baby shower gifting a lot easier, for friends and family.

Share Your Registry Widely

Make sure that you’re doing everything you possibly can to promote your registry. Let your friends and family know by posting your links on social media or to friends and family. Don’t be afraid to add the links quite a few times. Make sure everybody has clear instructions about how to purchase gifts and if you have special shipping instructions please add these as well.

After you’ve created your baby registry and you start raking in all those beautiful toys, diapers, and more, it’s important for you to show your gratitude. Take photos of the items and their gift card so that you can send personalized thank you cards. You can mention the specific gift that you were given when you did this.

Also safe the gift receipts with the items. You do not need to open and wash everything immediately. You can then exchange duplicates for items that you need which were not purchased.

Once this is all set you’ll be ready to receive your bundle of joy and be grateful for all the useful items you will have stocked up.


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