Woman holding baby in a yellow carrier overlooking mountains and trees. Baby wearing can be the game changer all parents are looking for! Baby wearing is the act of carrying your child around or on you. Baby wearing very practical and a wonderful way to solidify the bond between yourself and your child. It also allows you to multi-task: taking care of your child’s needs while getting items done while you are carrying them.

There are several benefits of baby wearing that you might not be aware of.

1. Comfort – From the moment your child exits the womb, they are going to need constant reassurance that everything is OK in this new world.. Having your body against them can help alleviate anxiety or the stress of a new situation. Since every circumstance is a new experience, the child needs that confirmation that you are present and will protect them from harm. Keeping your baby close also helps you to learn and respond to their cues. 

2. Feeding – For those who have baby wearing clothing, breastfeeding in a public place while baby wearing is so subtle that no one even realizes what is going on. At these times, baby wearing is like having an extra set of hands holding your child. Alleviating their weight on your arms, back, and hips, but also giving you an opportunity to eat or drink while feeding.

3.  Less Fussy – Children that are snuggled against their parents are less fussy. Being held is calming and it reduces the baby’s stress of a new environment. This can be especially beneficial in public places such as movie theaters or restaurants. The less fussy your child is, the more everyone enjoys the outing.

4. Hands-free – This is my absolute favorite. Being hands free whether you’re in public or at home is a blessing to many parents. Baby wearing can allow you to continue with most of your day-to-day activities without having to stop and care for your child. Although it may sound like it’s a bit of a lazy approach to parenting, you are providing your child with the safety of being close to you while being able to complete various tasks.

Most children naturally move away from baby wearing once they can walk and desire independence. Other children love, being held close in new spaces, until they feel safe on their own. Never fear you will not be carrying your child around for their entire life.

Bald man with a beard baby wearing a young child in a white snow suit

New parent tips:

Try different carriers. What works for you, may not work for your partner or another person. Also your baby may have a preference to face towards you or outwards.

I also recommend introducing a new carrier when your baby is happy and has a full tummy. This will make the transition easier for both of you.

Baby wearing saved me as a new mom and again once my family expanded. I could wear my newborn giving them the attention and comfort they needed while pushing my toddler on a playground swing- filling their needs too.