Promises you Need To Make To Yourself In 2022
2021 has been another strange year for the world. With the pandemic still looming large in our lives, and many of us experiencing a lot of upheavals when it comes to our family and finances, it’s perfectly understandable if you’ve let things slip when it comes to your own self-care. But as 2022 approaches, make the resolution to start putting yourself first.
5 Ways To Get Your Home Ship-Shape For Your New Baby
When you have a newborn on the way, it feels like your to-do list is endless. Including taking care of yourself and your home.
Traditions, Holidays, and Birth
Every year around Thanksgiving I start to think about the holidays. I think about the common things like what to cook, who will visit, what is the best dining room seating dynamic, etc. Then I start to think about the purpose behind the holiday. Thanksgiving is to give thanks. What am I thankful for? Why do we celebrate the way we do? I try to ponder the purpose of the celebration.
Focus On Taking Care Of Yourself
Pregnancy can be a stressful time for both mother and child. In this post, we take a look at some of the things that you can do to cut back on stress and squeeze a little more enjoyment out of the process. Remember, the less stressed you feel, the healthier and happier both you and your baby will be.
A Dreamy Birth Story
My birth story has elements of dreaminess and mysticism because that’s how I experienced it. I used notes from the doula and phone call/text records to figure out the timelines because after a certain point my mind was very much in the here-and-now and not looking at the clock.