The Benefits of Sitz Baths Postpartum: Healing, Comfort, and Care
A sitz bath—a shallow bath designed to soak the perineal area—is a time-honored remedy for soothing discomfort and promoting healing after childbirth.
A sitz bath—a shallow bath designed to soak the perineal area—is a time-honored remedy for soothing discomfort and promoting healing after childbirth.
When you’re pregnant, taking care of your body goes beyond just eating well, staying active, and attending medical appointments—it includes maintaining your oral health, too! Your dental health plays a significant role in your baby’s well-being. Here’s what you need to know about how healthy teeth and gums contribute to a healthy pregnancy and what steps you can take to protect both you and your baby.
This tradition, which became popular during the postwar baby boom of the 1940s and ’50s, is an opportunity for you and the expectant parent’s community of close friends and family to celebrate new beginnings, share parenting wisdom, and help make a dent in the haul of essentials that the new parent will need once the baby arrives.
Many doctors, sleep experts, and clinics begin promoting sleep training as early as 3 or 4 months, and sometimes even earlier. This happens during a crucial time of infant development, often called the “fourth trimester,” when infants are still adapting to life outside the womb. Opponents of early sleep training argue that it interferes with the infant’s naturally developing circadian rhythms, creates undue stress, and can even undermine breastfeeding success.
The quest for a good night’s sleep with a newborn can feel like chasing a mythical creature—elusive and mysterious. Every parent has been there, scouring for that secret recipe that will coax their baby into a peaceful slumber. As a seasoned childbirth educator, I’ve navigated this journey with many parents, offering insights into two popular methods: sleep training and sleep shaping.
Hello, I’m Katherine Princic, pelvic physical therapist and owner of Embody Physical Therapy. I serve women in pregnancy and postpartum for all of their pelvic health needs and to assist with healing and recovery.