Cord Blood Awareness Month celebrates the healing potential of newborn stem cells

Dark skinned female doctor speaking with a blonde woman and brunet bearded male

Join us this July as we celebrate Cord Blood Awareness Month, a time to shine a light on the remarkable healing potential of newborn stem cells. At CBR®, we are dedicating this entire month to educating parents about the importance of newborn stem cell preservation and the possibilities that these cells may hold for your baby’s future health.

We’re marking this special celebration by answering many of the most frequently asked questions that families have about newborn stem cells, including their role in regenerative medicine. As an added bonus, we’ve asked several CBR families to share their stories about the often life-changing role saving their baby’s newborn stem cells have played for them.

Are newborn stem cells already being used?
Absolutely. Over three decades ago, cord blood emerged as a source of lifesaving stem cells for treating certain cancers, blood disorders, metabolic disorders, and immune diseases through transplant medicine.1 Today, there are over 80 conditions that can be treated with cord blood stem cells in stem cell transplants,2 with more than 45,000 procedures worldwide using cord blood from both donor and private family banks.3

                     Newborn stem cell preservation gave our son a future. 

While cord blood stem cell transplants remain a crucial treatment option, over 80% of the CBR families whose cord blood units were released were intended for use in experimental regenerative medicine applications for conditions like cerebral palsy and hydrocephalus.5

What is regenerative medicine?

Regenerative medicine is an exciting scientific field focused on restoring or establishing normal function in the body by repairing or replacing damaged cells.

Newborn stem cells play a vital role in regenerative medicine research. Over 500 clinical trials have been initiated to study their potential use.6,7 In regenerative medicine, newborn stem cells are being researched for their ability to migrate to sites of injury, reducing inflammation and aiding in the healing of damaged tissue.8

Given that many diseases affecting both children and adults are believed to be connected to inflammation, the potential applications of newborn stem cells in age-related organ or tissue damage, and chronic diseases are remarkable.9

1 in 3 people may benefit from regenerative therapy.10

 It’s phenomenal to consider the possibilities of newborn stem cell preservation.  

A child wearing a helmet and riding a scooter


Clinical studies suggest that the anti-inflammatory properties found in newborn stem cells may have even broader uses. Researchers believe that many age-related diseases are linked to immune system dysfunction, making newborn stem cell therapies potentially beneficial.11 Preserving your baby’s newborn stem cells may open the door to your access to future advancements in research that could benefit your family.

Who can use your baby’s preserved newborn stem cells?

Rest assured your baby’s newborn stem cells will be readily available to you if your family ever needs them for an approved treatment, regulated clinical trial, or regulated investigational protocol. That’s because only immediate family members have access to the cord blood and cord tissue stem cell samples preserved at private banks like CBR.

There’s peace of mind in knowing that your baby is a 100% match to themselves, and full siblings have a 75% chance of being at least a partial genetic match. Parents are always a partial ma

The decision of whether to use a child’s own stem cells or those from a related donor, such as a sibling, depends on the specific condition being treated. In general, a closer match between the donor and recipient leads to better treatment outcomes.12

Is newborn stem cell preservation an investment in your family’s future health?
As research progresses, stem cell transplantation protocols and outcomes improve, and as uses for stem cells in regenerative medicine are approved, the potential for newborn stem cells increases. This means that the potential in your baby’s newborn stem cells may become even greater over time.

By banking on the advancement of an entire field of research and science, you position your family to potentially benefit from groundbreaking applications. For example, the anti-tumor effects of NK (natural killer) cells and CAR-T cells hold promise for future cancer treatments13 and regulatory T cells from cord blood could significantly impact the treatment of autoimmune conditions such as type 1 diabetes.12

Can you combine delayed cord clamping with cord blood preservation?

Good news! Data shows that delaying cord clamping for 30-60 seconds does not significantly diminish the cell count of cord blood collected for preservation.14 While longer delays may reduce the available blood volume, many CBR families have successfully pursued both delayed cord clamping and cord blood preservation. Consult with your healthcare provider to determine the best timing for your specific situation.

How long do preserved newborn stem cells stay good?

And here’s the really great news: cryopreservation can halt the passage of time for your newborn’s stem cells. Stem cells stored in proper cryogenic storage are believed to remain viable indefinitely, ensuring their potential use for years to come.15

Spread the word and let the healing begin.

This July, let’s celebrate Cord Blood Awareness Month together, raising awareness about the incredible healing potential of newborn stem cells. Join CBR as we work to potentially help protect your family’s future health through education and newborn stem cell preservation.

Shared with Permission from CBR
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