Gentle Birth
There is a misconception in modern childbirth. It is that childbirth should be painless. Women today are being raised to believe that a painless birth is a good birth. The word and concept of “pain” has negative connotations for many.
by Ursula Sabia Sukinik | Jan 13, 2021 | Birth You Desire Blog
There is a misconception in modern childbirth. It is that childbirth should be painless. Women today are being raised to believe that a painless birth is a good birth. The word and concept of “pain” has negative connotations for many.
by Ursula Sabia Sukinik | Mar 14, 2017 | Birth You Desire Blog
When pregnant, it is not uncommon for the mother to feel overwhelmed or confused by all the information and new sensations that come with pregnancy.
by Ursula Sabia Sukinik | Jan 21, 2017 | Birth You Desire Blog
Beware….Birth Is Slimy. Learn what your mother, sister, and girlfriends should have shared with you about vaginal discharge.
by Ursula Sabia Sukinik | Sep 3, 2016 | Birth You Desire Blog
Rally to Improve Birth.
by Ursula Sabia Sukinik | Sep 2, 2016 | Birth You Desire Blog
BYD Blog Intervention is not a DIRTY word Intervention is not a DIRTY word Birth teaches fluidly and flexibility. Birth reminds us that intervention is not a dirty word. Interventions when used appropriately can support vaginal birth. Interventions Interventions such...