The First Hour of Life

The First Hour of Life

The first hours after birth are a developmentally distinct period of time for the mother and baby. Research now supports what birth-workers have known for several years: there are distinct advantages of a baby being held skin-to-skin during this time.

8 Tips For Partners

8 Tips For Partners

Your child’s birth is a special date. You will meet your baby and fall in love all over again.  You will witness the amazing power of your partner’s body. And you might be challenged to remember to do everything ‘right’.   Listed below are some simple suggestions for you to plan around and to remember for the big day.

Gentle Birth Strategies

Gentle Birth Strategies

There is a misconception in modern childbirth. It is that childbirth should be painless. Women today are being raised to believe that a painless birth is a good birth. The word and concept of “pain” has negative connotations for many.