How Much Water Is Enough?

How Much Water Is Enough?

Our bodies are about 60 percent water, and when we work out, we lose water and nutrients. It’s important to replace the water and electrolytes that we lose daily to avoid low energy, headaches, and to support your pregnancy or breastfeeding experience.

Nutrition For Conception

A balanced diet that includes a healthy balance of protein, grains, fruit, and vegetables is key.  It is key to having healthy nutrient levels for the early development of the embryo.  The other three key components are exercise, stress reduction, and body mechanics which we will address in a later blog.  

Using a Birthing Ball

Using a Birthing Ball

A birth ball is a standard fitness ball that can be used in pregnancy and postpartum for fitness, alignment, and soothing. The birthing ball is a safe and beneficial non-pharmacological tool that can be used in pregnancy and labor to increase your chances of having a vaginal delivery. Postpartum can be sued for healing, recovery, and infant soothing.