Healthy Sleep for Parents
Beginning with pregnancy and into parenthood, there are numerous ways in which sleep can be disrupted. Changes to the quantity and quality of sleep are commonplace and can affect both moms and dads.
Beginning with pregnancy and into parenthood, there are numerous ways in which sleep can be disrupted. Changes to the quantity and quality of sleep are commonplace and can affect both moms and dads.
Baby cues can be as subtle as a yawn or quiver in their little lips. They can be quick, fleeting, and easy to miss or they can be persistent and unavoidable like crying.
The first two to four weeks seem to be the trickiest, as you are sleep deprived, and healing from birth. As a new mother I believe it took me at least two weeks to distinguish between the baby’s different squeaks, squalls, and cries. However as time passes, you will get to know your baby and be able to predict their needs quickly and efficiently.
Are you familiar with the pregnancy image of fatigue women, and sitting around eating chocolate? This is an inaccurate representation of pregnancy do’s that should really be don’ts. The truth is that nearly every pregnant woman experiences a decrease in energy at some point during her pregnancy, but it is not permanent. There are ways to boost energy levels and keep strong throughout your pregnancy until you give birth.
Pregnancy and bringing your newborn home may offer some new challenges and many blessings. The stress of strangers asking you personal questions and feeling out of control in your own rapidly changing body can be a very real challenge. Bringing a new baby home to feed, diaper, and care for is yet another challenge. No matter how well prepared you are there is always something unexpected to deal with.
As new parents, it is important to know all about safety and safe sleep. Read on to learn more.