Supporting Your Partner During Labor: A Guide for Birth Partners

Supporting Your Partner During Labor: A Guide for Birth Partners

The big moment is here—your baby is on the way! You’re excited. but right now, your partner is fully focused on managing the sensations of labor. Maybe she seems irritable or hard to comfort, and you find yourself unsure of what to do. Don’t worry—this is all normal, and your support is vital. There are many ways you can be actively involved, providing comfort and reassurance during this transformative experience.

Tips for the Last Few Weeks of Pregnancy

Tips for the Last Few Weeks of Pregnancy

The last few weeks of pregnancy are a time of anticipation and transformation—both for your baby and for your body. During these final weeks, your baby is growing about half a pound a week, taking up more and more space. And that means your organs are getting rearranged quite a bit! This leads to a lot of interesting sensations: “lightning crotch,” feeling the need to pee every hour, constipation, hemorrhoids, and, at the upper end of things, reflux.

Safe Sleep for Infants: Creating a Secure Sleeping Environment

There is nothing easy about putting a baby to bed when they are new – but it’s not because this is a bad thing! It’s because you’re also new to parenting. We’re constantly bombarded with these weird societal expectations that the moment a baby is born, we’re supposed to know exactly how to settle them and make them sleep independently. Newsflash, Mama: babies do not listen to books and instructions. They are little people and they will eat, sleep, cry, and poop on their schedule.

Baby Wearing Can Change Your Life

Baby Wearing Can Change Your Life

Baby wearing can be the game changer all parents are looking for! Baby wearing is the act of carrying your child around or on you. Baby wearing very practical and a wonderful way to solidify the bond between yourself and your child. It also allows you to multi-task: taking care of your child’s needs while getting items done while you are carrying them.